Sunday, February 8, 2009

Love, Actually. (Blog needs more Kallo) Happy <3 Day ;)

...............Yes I stole the title from Kallo, who stole it from DarkDawn, but hey........who better then to Steal it from..... then .....a Thf! ......and talking about Kallo Sky today...... as we were killing the slave globes of Mother Globe he was taste'ing my Father globes via TeaBag... ~BAM! ...............That reminds me about the other day when we killed JOL...... and AV poped and as I warped out .................AV Teabagged a bunch of Versus members lol ................oh that also reminds me about Nyzul Isle this week which sux'd. We got the good old "Whm Magic lock out" coupled with Cerebus who spam's Paralyze.... TeaBagging........................ COMMENCE! .................and finally ....and I don't have a Screen Shot because I am on X-BOX-36o how it went down.... Kallo>> Jess! Sene>> Come do Nyzul with us. I'll marry you! ...............the deal is Kallo wants my Cerbus Mantle and he will trade me for Sene for marriage ........don't ask....................I am just gonna leave it with this pic ! ....BTW..... Sene is worth way more then a Cerebus Mantle +1 let alone my NQ Cerebus Mantle ..... you are shooting way to low Kallo ;p She is WinterBorn and joo are just a Thf. See you online .... ~BAM


Kallo said...

Hahaha! Look at Jess trying to one up me. Me and Sene are scam artists. The deal is she marries you, you give my Cerb Mantle...nothing saying she cant divorce you =P Mwahaha!

JESS said...

How about I give Sene the Mantle for a pick of you and Izman in the buff O.o



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