Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Best DRK on the Odin Server for FFXI ?

Comments Please: ..................Who is the best DRK or your most favorite Drk on the Odin Server and why?.....I am looking forward to talking towards other Drk's that people think are good players. It is a very good way to improve one self....... and one can never stop improving. The reason I asked only for the Odin Server is because I see other jobs doing job only SMN or BLM only events....... I think Drk has evolved enough in this game that we could possible do a Drk only event. The only way to make that happen is take the 1st step and thats to start the talk going........................................... anyway I am getting way ahead of myself. Let's talk about Odin's top Drk's please. ;) .......................the ball is in your court... shoot....


Anonymous said...

Ryuta, Armada hauberk, apoc, pretty much everything.

Definitely the best DRK, imo.

Anonymous said...

just remember...

I have HQ Tiger Gloves!

-a strong candidate >_>


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