Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Stun and the Elemental Resistance mess....

SE>> "The elemental resistance of some monsters may not be working as normal." ...................While everyone has been running around talking about how Enfeebles have been nerfed and Elemental Resists have changed. I my self have noticed that the duration of the spell Stun is now shorter on certain mobs then others. Some mobs now instantly become unStunned and some mobs become unstunned roughly half the duration then from before the update. This is obviously related to what SE says in there information notes "The elemental resistance of some monsters may not be working as normal". ....................Talking about Stun ......I have now completed the new FFXI Mini-Expansion and have aquired my new body Equipment. I have choosen the Augments FastCast+5 and M.Acc+4. I am using this for a FastCast/Mellee Gear Set. This set has 18%Haste and 9%FastCast. All I am gonna say is my Stun is fast as hell now and I am loving the faster Recast Timers. I am now Stunning everything with the exception of InstaCast Spells/Abilities and nonStunable stuff. Here are a few examples of the timers without Gear and the new ones with the new Macro Gear Set. Every DRK should make this set. I will post the Gear set in a future post. Utesumi:Ni ........ old recast 45 34 secs Utesumi:Ichi ..... old recast 30 23 secs Stun 34 secs Drain2 .............. old recast 3 min 2 min and 19 secs DreadSpikes .... old recast 3 min 2 min and 19 secs .........................On top of all this I aquired some Usu Boots from the RemnantBrave Salvage runs and my friend LukeBoxWalker has aquired one of those new Augmented Death Scythe's from the ANNM runs we have been doing. The additional Stats were Str+1, Delay-1% and DarkSkill+9. There's also a bunch of other stuff to mention but my PC is still dead and I am making this Blog post fast from work. Anyway. See ya's online ~BAM

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