Wednesday, April 15, 2009


TODAY BEGINS WITH SUCK: .........Today the big 800 pound Gorilla (the one that's always perched on my back) started beating me down earlier then usual. You see.... my home PC is still down for the count and my attempt at creating this post for you by getting to work early and hoping on a PC got kicked in the nuts. Apparently something happened to the powerlines shutting down the entire State Highway Route-23. Thus transforming my normal easy-pesy 12 minute ride to work into a frustratingly 2 hour chaotic cluster fuck that can only be described as the pain associated with being ass raped by a elephant. On top of that...... when I pulled into the parking lot .......Verizon had already taken down all the Cable lines that ran from the telephone pole to our building and never bothered to put them back up. That meant no phones and noooooooooo online. Oh and mind you that even though it is Mid-April it was freak'n cold as hell outside and sleeting. Yet no one was there at my work to let me in. Well anyway after watching the sleet fall for a possibly a few seconds my attention turned away to my car's right front tire which was smoking really bad. This is because the brakes desperately need some attention and repair. Suddenly I could feel a headache coming on and I knew inside the building we were out of Advil. .................................... Thus began the freshly squeezed juicy start of my day as I choked on a breakfast of champions ......a shit sandwhich on two pieces of hard moldy bread with a slice of pungent fromunda cheese. (As gross as that sounds ...if you could picture any that in your mind then I did a good job writting it ^^) A FEW THINGS: ...........OK.....traversing away.....away from my dreadful dreary morning ....a few small things to get out of the way: 1) Loquacious Earring aquired 2) 9 Merits used on Warrior leaving it at something like 22 Merits or less untill capped 3) Gobbie bag is now @ 75 capicity 4) My friend Qtipus has a Blog now 5) I am now on the "A Crystalline Prophecy" final Mission and turned in 4 of the keys to get this little baby: Mythril Ring Hp+4 MP-4 "Attack+5" "Subtle Blow+2" Lvl-24 All jobs TO CATCH A THIEF: ............Alrighty then..... this made me laugh pretty hard as I was playing FFXI. You see I was doing one of the "Crystalline Prophecy" Misssions and I was using both the 12% speedy W.Legs and those +12% "Wings Of The Goddess" speedy boots. While In the mist of all this running around....... I ran passed a +12% Skadi Booty wear'n Thief called Elynson. The Thief probably was wondering how the hell I was passing him or her and began to /check me immediately followed by Elynson using Flee. To me ........ I think... this beady eyed little Thief felt like I was Stealing a little piece of his/her Thief-E-ness. Eventually I did catch up and as I passed I did this in /say... ZOoooOOOOoMMMMY!!!! .......and thus the Thief used Flee again and Zoned. LMAO. I was laughing but the Thief didn't seem to be. DARK M.AGIC D.AMAGE M.IDIGATION GEAR: ...............OK ...I know I am known as the "Obssesed DRK" but why the hell would a DRK have a Magic Damage Midigation Gear macro set. Well I was wondering that same thing too. First of all .....the Iron Allied Notes has War/Pld/Drk as the only jobs that can equip it. Does that mean something? Maybe. Secondly I decided that I need to aquire this gear because I am leveling Pld anyway as my next job to 75. Then finally....... I am not your regular plooped from the mold, cookie cutter, out of control hate root -n- toot'n Drk and I never ever was. I designed my character straight from the start to be Drk and I knew wanted to be pushing the envolope by setting the precedent ......not flocking with the sheep and eating the grass. Thus I decided to make myself yet another gear set. LMAO. However just so you can judge and not eyeball it.......... this gear already has it's potential usefulness.... I will give you 2 good examples. 1) The new Mini-Expansion "A Crystalline Prophecy's" final Mission: Yes using this type of gear while battling a predominantly magic user/based mob makes sense to me. Yet to test it. 2) Ultima: Yesterday we did a Ultima run in Limbus. I happened to get Drawn In when it was doing a Citedel Buster and while having about 1500+ of my 1700+ HP I macroed in my MDM Gear set. Thus allowing me to survive with a 1219 butt hurt instead of a 1900+ instant death. However as I ran away the Ultima bastard Sword decided to Holy II'd me for about 500+ and killed me anyway. LMAO! So............ did you see that? A Drk survivng a Citedel Buster on his own. Obssesed? Yes! Moronic? No! ..........................Well...thats it for today. On the next post I will try to get into what I used in this gear set and what I could posible upgrade on it. I do have more to learn on Magic Defense Bonus vs. Magic Damage Taken vs Magic Resists and what would be the best set up/variation that I could use. ...but anyway.....See ya next post..... and as always see ya online! ~BAM

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