Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Update Details!

..........The other day I fell asleep and missed the 1st of 2, back to back Salvage runs because: 1) I was drinking and then I ate like a animal 2) My bed room clock is still 1 hour behind ........Any way when I awoke I grabbed my X-box controller for FFXI and on Remnant Brave LS chat.......well..... I did this: Jess>> New update notes ...SE says new Salvage upgrade items like Limbus and they are increasing 2 of the 4 areas drop percentages. Runestar>> *scream* Ravax>> ...did you say salvage upgrades Ravax>> Holy. Fucking. Shit. Jess>> j/k but... Ravax>> get the fuck off the linkshell >< ..........well anywaya I was laughing my ass off for like a hour and decided to make a fake update very similar inwhich you can see here Clicky. ....enjoy ;)


Evilpaul said...

SE needs to be more like Valve and hire you immediately. :)

JESS said...

lol ~.O

Chrys said...

lol! Poor Ravax.

JESS said...

LOL more poor Ravax too come ;p


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