Saturday, January 24, 2009

Filling the glass to full...

Filling the glass to full: ........................lately...... I have been tidy'ing up all my characters loose ends and trying to cap everything that's useful to my 75's. You can see this....... more clearly....... in my reworked "About Me" section on the right margin of the Blog. Sooo anyways......... ..................Tachi: Rana O ........................and also while getting all 4 of my 75 jobs their Mystic Weapon Skills by skilling them up, I managed to get some nice little buffers ! Drk = 41k Drg = 38k Sam = 20k War = 23k Spilling the glass to empty: ..................................below is a update summary from Aristo's post "Clicky Here" on BG Forums about the Salvage, Nyzul Isle, MMM, and Sandworm Dupe Exploit ban. Total=476/950 Most contributing Server=Asura(113) Total Known Relics Removed=102 2 of the 3 Mythics weapons on all servers Removed Total LS Leaderless=13 Most likely to take own life because of this=Minidragon(Bismark) did MiniDragon get 8 Relic Weapons ..... you do the math ......

1 comment:

Evilpaul said...

I've always wondered how people fund 4+ relics.


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