Sunday, October 4, 2009


............OK just a random post here. I just got an Abyss Burgeonet and Sturm's Report. Which is nice. Complete's my Drk Relic Gear and allows me to sell my Phantom Tathlum for 50k. Also got another Merit which leaves me at 19 Merits till SAM cap and raised my Meditate Recast to 4. I am also now at 91,940/100,000 towards the EyePatch key item. .............Hmmmm... I'm now at full sets for Homam, Ares, AF+1, and Relic. Not bad at all. I am also currently working on Crimson (4/5), Askar (3/5), Relic+1(0/5), and Drg AF+1(4/5) + Sam Af+1(3/5) full sets. Other items that I am working on are E-Body, Abyss Cape, Usu(2/5), and an Augmented Death Scythe. Other then that I need to find a Sea LS that fits in my schedule for the Weapon Skill Torques. ...............That's it for tonight..... your drunk'n, bad spell'n, shity word phras'n..... DRK.... JESS ~BAM


Calix said...

Poppi said...

Yeah, what Cal said <3

I'm sure you'll post about it soon (or you better!) but I wanted to be the first on here to say grats on your Algol :D (and that one of these days I'll say something clever enough to make a 'Quote of the Week' ^^)

See you in LS soon? You still owe me that long walk ..... lol! ~.^

JESS said...



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