Thursday, October 8, 2009

Algol 6-Hit

.........I just wanted to Humbly give thanks to my friends over at the BBQ LinkShell for helping me aquire an Algol. I definetly was lacking a good 6-Hit GreatSword. .........For the Algol to be a true 6-Hit it requires /SAM and an additional 1.2 Store-TP. There are a few ways you can do this. 1) Brutal Earring 0.1 Rajas Ring 0.5 Rose Grip 0.4 White Tathlum 0.2 2) Brutal Earring 0.1 Rajas Ring 0.5 Rose Grip 0.4 Chiv. Chain 0.1 Euphoria Ring 0.1 3) Brutal Earring 0.1 Rajas Ring 0.5 Chiv. Chain 0.1 Askar Body 0.5 4) Brutal Earring 0.1 Rajas Ring 0.5 Euphoria Ring 0.1 Askar Body 0.5 5) Brutal Earring 0.1 Rajas Ring 0.5 Carbanara (food) 0.6 Editors note #1: (Notice all the builds have Rajas Ring and Brutal Earring...... there really is no need to explain that) Editors note #2: (There are also other 0.1 Store-TP items that can be substituted for the ones I listed here.... but I'm not gonna list them because they all suck) ............Anyway.... while I was field testing the different ways to make a 6-Hit Build for my Algol, I realized that I wasn't precisely sure of the exact amount of Store-TP that Carbanara gives. Hmmmmm... was it 0.5 or was it 0.6 ....TO THE INTERWEBS !!! Allakazham said it was only 0.4 (don't be laughing at me, my PC is dead and I am using a DSI for the internet which means some web pages don't work right on my DSI so I am limited). Well Allakashitty is incorrect. I verified this with a few of my friends and then tested it my self and it is 0.6 Store-TP. I'm no math genius but testing that wass basic shit. .............Anyway that's it for today. I leave you with some pictures for your enjoyment. See ya all online. ~BAM


Poppi said...

Well first of all, grats again on the sexy GS. I was telling someone about it today, to which I got the reply "His DRK is a stud" lol, it made me chuckle ^^

I must say though, I'm thoroughly disappointed - You *claim* you don't want to be my "2nd Favorite" DRK, but yet, I see no screenshot of your favorite COR (which I'll just go ahead and assume is me :P).

Ok I need sleep, apparently, and lots of it. See you in LS ~.^


JESS said...



php hit counter