Sunday, November 16, 2008

Free Skill-Ups !

(credit below goes to Siviard on the Shiva Server and posted on the Limit Break Radio forums website.....please note people claim that this has not been nerfed yet and I will be testing it out today) Skill Ups "Easy Button" {Found it!} by SiviardOfShiva on Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:58 am Okay well as you are all aware, when WoTG was released SE introduced the Fortifications for each Campaign zone. However, whenever a zone is in Beastmen control, players are able to freely attack the Fortifications which pop up either A) surrounding the main Fortification tower in outdoor zones, or B) Scattered around the beastmen controlled dungeons. At present there are very little to no beastmen controlled outdoor zones. Your best bet is either Garlaige Citadel [S] or The Eldieme Necropolis [S] dungeons. The Eldieme Necropolis [S] is the best as there are NO mobs anywhere near the Fortification so you can go afk without any fear of agro. The best Fortifications can be found at: Eldieme Necropolis [S] - I-8 (The main room against the Eastern wall) Garlaige Citadel [S] - H-8 (First underground room against dilapidated shed structure) Ok - so onto the free skill ups! Well if you have a subpar skill in any weapon visit these Fortifications and start attacking them. Do not get any Allied Tags if Campaign begins because you will not gain any skill ups and you will be open to beastmen attack. As long as you do not engage with any Allied Beastmen you WILL NOT be attacked! You will continue to skill up at an alarming rate. I managed to go from 10-147 skill in Staff in just 5 hours of swinging. Now the best part is once the Fortification ??? pops you can attack and walk away letting you skill up while afk with no fear of being attacked. However, be aware in Garlaige Citadel [S] there is one random Yagudo that patrols the site where the major Fortification ??? pops so be aware that external agro for people under 70 may occur. Now the Skill cap is quite low on these Forts however. I have identified the Skill Cap ceiling as this: A skill in weapon: Caps at 150 B skill in weapon: Caps at 147 C skill in weapon: Caps at 144 D skill in weapon: Caps at 141 E skill in weapon: Caps at 138 The Fortifications WILL pop for you to attack when no Campaign battle is going on and will stay there until the next Campaign battle ends. It will then re-appear a short time after (max 10~15 mins). Then you simply re-engage and rinse/repeat until you hit the cap. The Fortifications are massively easy to hit so you can go naked if you like! I went as a LVL 73 DRK naked with 42 Great Axe skill, and in about an hour, got it up to 86 even while going AFK to use restroom and sit back and drink a beer! So that's it! Just take your un-skilled weapons and start whacking like crazy and cap them out to at least 60% their maximum. Unfortunately after that it's all you and solo fun to max it to full cap. But hopefully this has saved you a ton of time, all while afk, all with no deaths! This is a blatant steal and I fear SE will wisen up with a ninja-nerf soon enough so be aware this may not last much longer so hop too it!! Otherwise, hope this helps, ENJOY! Also, you can FULLY CAP your skills on campaign mobs. Simply DO NOT GET ALLIED TAGS! Just engage and start whacking away. You WILL get skill ups on Campaign mobs!


Anonymous said...

I got some staff, sword and dagger levels this way when this trick was found, but I fear it's been kind of nerfed now. Campaign mobs will aggro you if they see you whacking a Fort, tags or not.

I haven't done this in ages to see if it's true, but many people have said it is.

So looks like you can still do it, but gotta be careful. ^^

Anonymous said...

Old, out of date information.

JESS said...

Thank you for your input ^^ .... I know it is old but this idea has recently resurfaced saying it still works.... thus why I posted I was gonna test it..... currently having internet issues past few days to test yet.


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