.............................Hmmmmmmm what does this Blog title mean ? It could have meaning from todays small update.... because we can now get Salvage Permits more then once a day........or It could mean that it is now Fall and alot of LinkShell members in alot of Linkshells leave or take a break for school. Yup, I see it every year. I however...... belong to the
Final Fantasy XI school of MMORPG.
So sit tight and get ready.............. class "Blog-101" is now in session.
(yes that was a tid bit corny but it's my Blog so read it and bitch in the comments column)
..........................Jess's pick for best part from the last update ............. the new Chocobo's in the past are now finally rideable.
Class "Salvage-101":
..........................HI2U Zebra Zachery..... oh you gonna let Agana pawn me and get the Ares hands 35 pc.... only 1 of the 2 left that I need to complete the 15 piece set. Well I hate joo.... Zebra Zachery.... see ya in another year .....when you decide to pop again...... even though we spam your run because alot of other people need the other Ramparts.
Class "Limbus-101":
............................Here's DarkDawn the Viking and Kallo the Ladies Killer ....chilli'n with me at the NPC Sagheera before the Versus Limbus run. DarkDawn just got DRK to 75 making that 10 75's now. Impressive. Slayor wants to know why she still isn't your #1 Kallo !!!!
Class "Sea-101":
.............................Jailer of Fortitude or you can call him what I do .... Jailer of Cahoonies. Anyway....... this is a PLD NM and we killed it twice last night netting Coborn a Fortiutude Torque. Yes I have yet to get a Torque from Sea but I have a priority on a Justice so I can wait till it drops...... and Prudence Torque will drop one day soon also........hopefully LMAO /cry.
Also ...one of the things I wanted to say here is that doing melee damage on this NM sucks ass and as a Drk you are better off using your Magic Macro gear set. What you can expect damage wise as a Drk here is as follows (depending on JOF's element and I am using rounded numbers here):
Thunder II....................200 damage
Blizzard II......................100 damage
Drain..............................200 damage
Drain II..........................400 damage
Bio II..............................tick damage
Now I also used a few Absorb-Vit's and though I didn't die in both fights.... I did pull hate a bunch of times from spell damage only. I even survived a 1668 Vorpal from JOF ....luckily for me I it was from pulling hate from Drain II and I still had almost 200 HP left.
Also remeber just because you have full HP and use Drain it shows up in your chat Log as o HP drained ...it doesn't mean you didn't take any HP off a Mob. It only means that your HP is already full and you can't absorb anymore. If you don't believe me test it yourself. It's a easy test. With full HP use a Drain on a mob that has a small enough HP gauge that you can see move from damage easily. It will show 0 HP Absorbed but you will see the Mob's HP move down as if it was receiving damage.
............................Almost forgot.................I went last night to Sea as a Drk/Thf and was gonna test out more of the Brave Grip in Sata WS's for end game events......but the more people you add to the alliance the harder it is to do these tests.
..................................so thus concludes your entertainment ...errr educatement for the day.
WHAT !?!?!!!
You didn't learn anything you say ......
You all FAIL !
See ya online later ~BAM
1 comment:
Ahahahaha! That's great Jess. =P And DD has 10 75 jobs? Holy crap. When's he going for Maat's Cap =D
As for the Slayor thing...when she starts being a bit more nice, we'll see...right now she's in 4th place, contending with Foxy though.
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