Saturday, March 15, 2008


LITTLE NEWS: ............ok before we get to the big news lets pan out the little news. I finally finished the last 2 Gobbie Bag quests and even picked up that new Great Sword Bahadur. Next I went with Aable and NinjaFox to Castle Oz[S] to farm some NM pop items but that didn't pan out. I think I died there once. Next I went to Jugner Forrest[S] to farm some Lumber fighting some VT Warewolfs with Mav and Ravax. That didn't pan out either but it did get me killed like 5 more times. Matter of fact this 1 time when Ravax was dead, we tried tractoring him all over the map to try and get a Sprite to Raise him. Well I guess the Sprite didn't like him. I even got him stuck in one of those tower mounts thingies. One of the Pics I took with him stuck in there looked like I was using him as a surf board. BIG NEWS: ..............Ok now for the big news. All week I kept missing Salvage runs. I mean take your pick. All the following reasons made me miss a salvage run at least once this week: 1) Update 2) Falling asleep 3) Working late 4) Not enough ISP to get a Salvage Permit 5) Not enough members to even fill 1 party to enter Lets just say I was a little bum'ed out. I mean I have been doing Salvage for like a year with 2 LinkShells...........and while alot of other people have multiple Gears completed. I have NONE. Finally after alot of hard work from my friends, and alot of farming, ..... and some borrowing from my friend EternalPain........ I will now have my first completed gear the Ares's Cuirass ! is me trading the items to the NPC to be made. Sooooooooo see ya tommorrow I am going out to the Bar with Eternalpain . I will get my new Body Equip in the morning. Then I will be working on Gear Macro sets..... Dam that means tonight I will be missing a RemnantBraves Salvage run so you can now add that to the list: 6) Went to the Bar for ScrewDrivers and Tities. .....................just wanted to thank all the people who helped me attain my 1st Salvage gear Equipment . WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT ;)

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