Friday, December 18, 2009

Camp Pain Stories

Campaigne Gear: ..............Well.... I finally aquired a Iron Ram Hauberk which completes my Iron Ram Set. Originaly I was under the impression that every piece after the first initial piece granted a +5 on all Elemental Resists. In Theory this would give the set a grand total of +20. That however is incorrect. Here is the correct information after I tested it. Instead of just eye fucking it: 1 pc = +0 all Elemental Resists 2 pcs = +5 all Elemental Resists 3 pcs = +10 all Elemental Resists 4 pcs = +15 all Elemental Resists 5 pcs = +30 all Elemental Resists ..............Now that I got that out of the way. The next two items that I will be slaving away Allied Notes on will be a Bull Necklace and that Waltz Potency Ammo Item for my SAM/DNC. Campaigne Stories: (The SMN Erase Spell) ...............While doing a Campaigne in Jugner Forest[s] the other day I kept getting my DrainSpikes Over Written by someones Shiva Avator with Ice Spikes. This got real annoying really quick, because I was Tanking mobs as DRK/SAM and I heavily rely on juggling all my Job Abilities and Spells. To try and prevent this from happening again I moved to multiple different spots, fighting different Mobs. You would think that would have worked but.... F-A-I-L was like the SMN was on /follow or someth'n... everytime I casted DrainSpikes .... ~BAM got changed to Ice Spikes a second later. I actually do believe this was unintentional but maybe SE should change the Game Mechanics on this. Campaigne Stories: (Fairy GodMother) ................Another time EternalPain and I were Campaigning and I pulled an Orc. Well, I say 1 Orc but it split into two. Ooops thought it was 1 Mob. Well anyway while EternalPain was Nuking away..... he left me to hang as my HP was dropping into the red. Luckily there was a Pixie floating near by. I managed to suck off like 5 or 6 Cure IV's/V's in a row by running in and out of the Pixie's range everytime I needed a Cure. We ended up killing both Orcs easily while laughing our ass's off. Gotta love them Pixies! Campaigne Stories: (HP PingPong) .................Then last night. I was fighting DeathLord Rojgnoj and I had DreadSpikes up. At that moment DeathLord used his DRK 2-Hour BloodWeapon and hit me for 843 Damage and from that he gained 843 HP back. In return my DrainSpikes stole back 776 HP from that. It was like we were playing HP PingPong. It was so cool I had to go back to reread my Chat Log to double check that thats exactly what happened. Mini-Expansions: ..............I helped Calix do one of the Shantollo Missions and netted myself a level-60 Bomb Key and what did it get me? a Steel Ignot.... >< F-A-I-L ! Salvage: .............While doing some Boss runs for EternalPain's and Psi's new 35s I got a Tsukikazu Jinpachi (Lvl-25) and a Tsukikazu Togi (Lvl-25). This leaves me with only 3 items left to Lot. After that there's nothing else in Salvage I could use. These items of coarse are all Usu: Head-35 Body-35 Body-15 This doesn't mean that I won't be doing to Salvage anymore. I will infact be doing Salvage with RemnantBrave untill the Game ends. Besides that just means I need to get RNG to 75 for Skadi alot faster (already have 3 Levl-25 Pcs). LMAO! Merits: .............I now have capped Angon and RageDragon asked me what the Cap'd Duration was. I tested it. It lasts 90 Seconds Fully Merited. Thats 30 Secs for the 1st Initial Merit and an Extra 15 Secs for every Merit after that. .............Only 47 Merits left to go and then I will be Completely Merit Capped on all 4 of my 75 Jobs! Next on the choping block: Super Jump High Jump Deep Breathing Picture Time: ..............and now for your viewing pleasure.... ................Thats it for today and as always.... see ya online! ~BAM

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