Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dark Seal

.............OK ...... there are alot of tests and theories on Magic Skill, Magic Acc, and Magic Attack Bonuses. Alot of people claim that having over 320 of any Magic skill will grant you less of a return or shall I say less of a full point of skill..... (due to a mathamatical curve in the advanced math formulas that SE seem to like to use in Final Fantasy XI). Thus they also claim that based on this Magic Skill curve (and what job/ Magic Skill that you are using) .... you are better off with Magic Acc and/or Int/Mnd Mods to maximize your effecientcy. I am not gonna to get into these craptasticular theories because as a Drk I am not a true mage. Shit, I am not even a half of a mage. However I always use my magic skills alot and have different Macro builds based specifically around for them. ..............this is where Dark Seal fits in ....or sorta doesn't fit in. What I mean is having a Dark Magic skill build that is very high and coupled with a bunch of Magic Acc, doesn't allow me to see a difference when I use the ability Dark Seal. Many times it feels like it is a useless ability to me because of this. Yes, I do like it and try to use it whenever I can. However, I have discovered a new trick for it that many Blm's may already know...... based on the fact that it is very similar to their own Elemental Seal ability. .............the other day while I was in a T-10 Hydra battle..... the Mini-HNM used that Physical Damage Block move right at it's last bit of HP that it had left and we did not have any Blm's to nuke it in this set up. I did know that Drain and Drain II worked very well in getting us through this Monster's ability the entire fight. However I was Double Weakened at this point and as any Blm will tell you ......that means any Damage Spells that you use is going to do shit in this situation. However I used DarkSeal and killed it with just under a 400 Drain II. Now this may not be a new idea to some of you......... but for a Drk....... it was a new concept for me. By posting this simple trick it may add a little bit more to your skillz as a Drk. It is just one of those things that you never get to put 2 to 2 together to ever notice. This time I did take notice that it worked very well as I thought it through in this situation. This is why I think it is importany enough to validate a post on my Blog. ;) other news I did my normal Salvage, Sky, Sea, Limbus, Assault, and Eijnhart Events .... I will just post for your veiwing pleasure some of the pics. Oh almost forgot .....we did almost lose a Beseiged Saturday when all the Generals died. This was the 1st time I actually got into that sealed room before. So I took a pic of me standing next to the funky looking Candy-essence-Awhatcha-macallit-thingy-mobob.

1 comment:

Cinnabun said...

Dark Magic FTW baby


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