Monday, August 4, 2008

LOL-Maintenence means "YOU CAN NOT PLAY FINAL FANTASY XI" this time

.....................Well a friend of mine who I know back from the Critical LS days.............. joined the Versus LS today. She is a very friendly person and I am sure it will benefit all of us and add to the zannyness that is Versus. ;P Welcome to Versus LS Opalflame ;) ......................dammmm Izman gets lots of love from everyone in this game.... normally it's just the men thought O.o ...................yup it's a Kirin X2 Sunday. With the 1st kill dropping crap....I mean crap: Cloth, Ignot, and 2 Wind Crystals. The second Kirin drops were ok but it finally netted me a W.Legs .... I do mean finally...... because I have been trying to get one of these legs for what feels like years and I tend to pass lotting on stuff alot so lately ....but today ....I am happy ;) ~BAM ..................Next ............I was on my way to get my W.Legs uncursed after Sky and turn turn them into Crimson Cuisses..... but I had to Warp to Whitegate to help my friend Ravax get his last T-10 Assault finished for his Captain Rank'age . The RemnantBrave team consisted of Mav(PLD/NIN), Ravax(PLD), LeonBelmont(BRD), Jess(DRK/THF), Agana(BLU), and Kalua(mage type job). It was a very fun fight and from what I was told it was the toughest of the T-10's and we almost lost. Right smack in the beginning Ravax went down....... so we were down 1 tank already. Meaning the rest of us had to upgrade from our A game to our A+ game. I managed to time my stuns for a majority of the fight to either help Mav get shadows up or keep him from dieing thus letting the healers get his HP back up. I even stunned a good Gates of Doom at the end when we definetly needed it. at the last percentage of this Cerebus cheap knock-off's HP.... Mav went down......... so now we had no tanks and I only had like 238 HP left! I was now praying to get my Drain Spikes up ....which was a bad idea .....(because it aint gonna help me if I get 1-shoted)...... somewhere.... somehow ....the game let me proc a Double Attack ....FTW. I am pretty sure It would have died anyway because Agana had 2 DOT's on it but my DA took off about 500 damage...... so anyway who cares ....we WON ~BAM Ravax was so happy.....well I won't explain it ..... I'll just put his 3 lines of text in my Blog .... so that I can boost my ego skill.... lmao Ravax>> Jess Ravax>> Ftw Ravax>> as usual /em ego skills up .5 ........................and then I continued on with my journey to Sandy ,to complete my Crimson Cuisses. These babies will definutely help me as Drk/Sam in the many times I have to temporary tank kite. Anyone who laughs at that idea...... defintely is ignorant on how well a Drk/Sam can fit into that role and hasn't seen it executed correctly......... or hasn't played in FFXI with me long enough.

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