(BELOW) I have been trying to do Einherjar with the LS TheForce, but I keep falling asleep and missing the runs mainly because they start at midnite. ><(BELOW) and heres the results ........LMAOj/k since I'm missing the runs I'm not sure how the LS is doing...(BELOW) .......lately Omoikitte has been coming more as DRG instead of WHM to LS Versus events.(BELOW) Here we are Doll-burning in the hallway to get Despot to pop but someone somehow agroes like 10 dolls at once. (BELOW) Here's LS RemnantBrave fighting another Salvage boss. I am happy to say that we have been kicking alot of ass lately in Salvage.(BELOW) A experience Party netting me a few more merits..... gonna need them with the new Tier-2 Merit upgrades. ;) (BELOW) Did some Dynamisis runs......(BELOW) Just in case you weren't sure this was Dynamisis here's the prerquisite wipe picture from a Nin or Smn 2 hour........ LOL(BELOW) and here is a mystery light that I always see in Dynamisis-Juno..... (BELOW) ..... WTF is that light .... really it is always there every run then it disapears later in the run. (BELOW)Here I was skilling up my Sword skill with Tezmania and I went AFK to come back to a dead AFK Tezmania ....LMAO(BELOW) Another Experience party ....this one is on that small island with all the Imps and Soulflayers....Ravax likes this area for some reason....... I didn't like it especially after someone said "Hey let's roam" ><(BELOW) Here's my wedding outfit for Arilayne's wedding.... /cough that I missed because of a Salvage run making me late.......anyways who says Drk's have all dark colored gear O.o
(BELOW) Ravax asked me to come Drk/Nin to help co-tank some stuff in Salvage .... meanwhile he DC'd like 22 times and it was more like he was co-tanking .... LMAO ....can't wait for his remark on that ;)
(BELOW) This is a Mav strategy on LAC. Basically you have a SMN let one of it's Avatars to tank LAC with the two regular tanks and it can't even be charmed errrrr brainjacked... thus alot times it allows LAC to waist most of it's brainjacks on it. Sometimes it even works well enough to get the 2 charmed tanks to agro it also.
(BELOW) Arilayne's and Walrus's wedding......errrr after the wedding ;P
That's it for now.......... just a wall of pictures...... maybe next post will have something interesting.....
maybe :P
1 comment:
what an exciting experience!/Hilorious! Delightful! True!
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