Monday, October 18, 2010

LOL-SCH @ 85 and Decembers Update is getting ever closer...

.............................This month I saw my SCH go from Level-30 to 85. I also snagged 14 Merits and a 42K Buffer. It felt good just to use 10 of those Merits because they were just being waisted from being Merit Capped. I also managed to Cap 4 of the my 6 SCH Magic Skills, which reminds me. I really need to update my Skills on my Blog's Sidebar to reflect that. .............................On side note, in the next few weeks I will be Leveling RDM. Now while I don't want to Level another Mage Job, I don't really have a choice. You see, I don't have a real SubJob for SCH. Why is this you ask? Well, SCH was never meant to go to 85. It was just supposed to be a SubJob for my DRK and from there it sort of just took a life of it's own. HEY! No Laughing. ..............................Other then that, I just need to finish a few Trial Of Magian last Trials for: 1) GreatAxe 2) PoleArm 3) greatSword 4) GreatKatana ....and then I need to finish my Axe and other Scythe that I am working on. After that everything will be ready for Decembers Update. ..............................OH! I almost forgot. Why are people making a wall of Bazaars across the pathway to PortJuno? Come on. These people need to stop being a bunch of assholes. I took a pic so that I can point my fingers at these assclowns in my Blog ,but I didn't send it from X-Box. I will try to get that Pic out for tommorrow. On a funny note my friend Drakus similarly complained about people doing this around the Abyssea Maws/Port Juno Abyssea NPC's. The funny part is I caught him doing it a few times while he was doing the Quest "Aqua Puraga". Snaged! LOL.


NurseRefyll said...

Yeah... the ppl making the wall near the MH isn't that bad on Titan but it the ppl around the 2 Abyssea NPC that I wanna throw over the railing in Port! >_< Come on ppl! Making the NPCs take forever to load on-screen is not going to make your shit sell faster!

Drakus said...

Hey now, 2-3 people crowding an NPC (like Aqua Puraga, though I was only camping him waiting for the day to change) is not the same as 25-30 crowding Horst... :)


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