Friday, August 21, 2009

It"sRaining Earrings and Rings!

SNIPERS RING VS. HEADSMAN RING (TP-Build) FLAME RING VS. HEADSMAN RING (WS-Build) PARAMOUNT EARRING VS. (it's own set bonus's) ...........I surveyed a few WARs on the matter of which Ring would be better suited for TP and WS builds. Not one person choose the Headsman Ring. I mean no one at all! This was also the case when I wanted to lot it. I was the only one wanting to lot it! LMAO! I mean I do understand where everyone is coming from .... the ACC in Snipers ..... the STR in the Flames ..... well I say "Fuk Joo Meng"! I'm gonna use it! I don't care how many math calculations you want to throw at me defending yourself. The actual truth is all that jazz is a educated guess at best. (Yes I use those same calculations don't ruin my Rant). SE has their collective assholes so tight you couldn't squeeze the Hidden Effect out of a Millionare's Desk. Yes SE stores desks up there Ass's. I mean....Where else are they gonna do their paperwork. "Ba dum dump crash"... Anyway you can flame me by leaving a comment...... you cookie cutter gear wearing bastards. ............Oh yeah, NinjaFox how's your boyfriend Toder doing. gotcha gotcha .......Mwhahahhahahhahahhah. ............OK... moving on to the next thing. Last night I got the Paramount Earring Drop from the "The Buried God" Quest via some Team Versus LinkShell fun. We went 3/3 on this fight and If you remember a few Blog Posts ago I had a Theory about this Earring. Well I actually got to test it last night. I tried doubleling the Set Bonus's by equiping the Sword, Dagger, And Earring as DRK/NIN but it didn't work. I then tried equiping the Ranged Weapon, Dagger, and Earring on SAM but that didn't work either. So my Theory that these sets are like the Allied Note Gear Sets ..... is Busted. It is still note worthy that if you equip both weapons you can get the set bonus's without the Earring. Also as SAM I can now equip the Paramount Earring, the Ranged Weapon, the Great Katana, and the Supremecy Earring and get both Bonus's from both Earrings. How cool is that! ..........Stop laughing at cookie cutter gear wearing bastards. always see ya Online! ~BAM

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