Monday, February 22, 2010

"Team Splitting Heirs" (Part-1)

Chapter 1: The Gold Rush Sunday: .............It's 10:00 AM EST here and the weekly Signet/Sanction/Sigel Tallies have just finished, so I take a peek. Hey Sandy[S] has all 6 of it's Areas under control and La Vuale[S]. /em poops in his pants. I immediately send out /tells to the Team: Mav, Ravax, Izman, Qtipus, Kaylea... (and me). "TEAM SPLITTING HEIRS...... ASSEMBLE" ( Marvel Comics Avengers style) ...we tentively decide to schedule some runs for Monday. ..............It's now like 1:00 EST here and in the AH there are 16 Cuch Mantles. Dam! Aparently everyone is trying to sell the Old ones for 5 Million before the New ones Drop the Price. There's only one problem. They are Undercutting like Hell. The same thing goes for the Witch Sash. Monday: ..............It's now 7:00 AM here and there are 138 People in La Vaule[S] probably spamming their Mouse trying to get into the Splitting Heirs BC. I check the AH and already the Cuch Mantle has dropped from 5 Mil to 2.9 Mil. 1 person even went as far and Undercut'd it by 1 Mil! ..............I also checked the Witch Sash and it too went from 2.5 Mil to 1.5 Mil. hasn't even been 24 hours! ..............It's a good thing this BC is hard as hell because most people can't win it without utilizing 4 Kraken Club DRKs (not all people....some just do it because it's easier). The best Strategy here may be to hold out and wait till Prices shoot back up after a few weeks go bye. ..............On top of that...We will also be a little rusty, seeing that it's been over freak'n 8 Months since the BC has even been available. ..............Oh well time to shift into gear and head to work. Lets see how this all plays out when I get home tonight.

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