Friday, January 15, 2010

Campaigne Experience Glitch

Campaigne Experience Glitch: ...............While being so close to Capping my total amount of Merits (currently 430/468), I have decided to switch from Limit Points back to Experience Points. The idea here is to Cap all my Buffers and leave it like that untill PLD and RNG are 75. Here's my progression: DRG....... 43,999 (Cap) SAM....... 43,999 (Cap) WAR....... 43,999 (Cap) DRK....... 42,800 'ish ................As I have said before..... I no longer /Join Merit Parties. Instead I FOV in Cape Terrigan and do Campaigne. ................Well yesterday I teamed up with my friend EternalPain for some Campaigne action. He was PLD/DNC and I was DRK/SAM and we were freak'n tearing Jugner Forrest[S] up! We were unstoppable..... and at the end of the 2 Wave Campaigne my Chat Log read: Jess earns 4250 Experience Points Jess earns 425 Limit Points ................Now before this had happened... I was like 1200'ish Points to my Buffer Cap and less then 900 Points towards the next Merit. However something was a miss. Aparently the game can not seperate any single amount of Experience Points given. It's just a loss. /em waves goodbye to 3K Experience Points /em learns a new lesson /em changes Exp Pts back to Lim Pts

Allied Notes & Campaigne: ................Sonia's Plectrum..... Mine! Wooooot! Salvage: ................We did another LBC Run. The main goal was to try and snag a 25 Ares Body to complete Psi's Ares Body. On the way there we Pop'd a Rampart by killing the 10 Special Gear Mobs that Weaken LBC. Each one Warps away if you don't kill them under a minute. They also Warp if you Agro them. The key here is to use a non Magic, non Job Ability way of Pulling from past their Agro Range. Most people use a Ranged Weapon or a Bard Song for this. Wind Weather extends their Agro Range too. ................Anyway With plenty of time we Farm'd the Rampart to Full. We were lucky with 2 NM Reinforcement Spawns. 1st NM ....... Alex onry Drop 2nd NM ....... Wooot double Drop The 35 Skadi Body went to Mav completing his Skadi Set 15/15 and the 35 Marduk Legs went FreeLot to Shadir. One of our newest Members. ................So what did LBC Drop? I forgot but it wasn't the Ares Body that we wanted. Still it was a 4 Drop Run which is pretty awesome. Einherjar: .................Odin number 23? Who knows? I lost track but I think this was our fastest Odin kill yet. Someone even said "Odin is melting today!" unfortunetly 3 non awesome Drops and no E-Body again. Oh Well, We have another Odin in 4 more Runs! Congrats to the winners of the 3 Items that Drop'd! ;) That Other LinkShell: ..................No I didn't mean that other Linkshell ..... you know the other one....the one I forgot the name. errrrrrr... I'm just kidding! "That Other LinkShell" is the actual name of a LinkShell. Anyway their LinkShell has folded. Most of their Members, including their leader PoppisGirl have moved to different Servers. All I want to say is good luck to you peoples and keep reading my Blog! Picture Time:

1 comment:

Popp said...


Great updates, and I'll miss you too :) Just remember, you have a pair of my pants ~.^ Mwah! See you soon ^^


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